1) I ................... Joe in front of the cinema yesterday. a) burn b) burnt c) meet d) met 2) My father .................... five thousand dolars for our new house. a) buy b) bought c) paid d) pay 3) I ..................... the clothes in the washing machine. a) catch b) putted c) caught d) put 4) This girl ........................ five books last month. a) read b) readed c) come d) came 5) I ..................... a horse last weekend and I liked it! a) cut b) cutted c) ride d) rode 6) The phone .................... late last night. a) rang b) ring c) did d) do 7) I ....................... from home to school yesterday, because I was late. a) draw b) drew c) ran d) run 8) He .................. something quietly, but I didn't understand. a) say b) said c) dream d) dreamt 9) I ............... a nightmare last night. It was terrible. a) drink b) drank c) see d) saw 10) He ................... his car for a very high price. a) ate b) eat c) sold d) sell 11) He ................... me some photos of himself last night. a) sent b) send c) drive d) drove 12) She .................. sick after walking in the rain. a) eat b) ate c) feel d) felt 13) She ................. fifteen songs during the concert. a) sing b) sang c) feed d) fed 14) I .................. on a chair and waited for her to come. a) sat b) sit c) fought d) fight 15) The baby ..................... for three hours yesterday afternoon. a) forgot b) forget c) slept d) sleep 16) I ..................... something bad when I entered the kitchen. a) fly b) flew c) smell d) smelt 17) My sister _________ a chocolate cake. It was delicious. a) burn b) burnt c) made d) make 18) -Where ________ you last night? -I _______ alone at home. a) was / was b) were / were c) was / were d) were / was 19) - ___________ Sally at school yesterday morning? a) was b) were c) is d) are 20) I _________ well in the maths test. I'll get 100. a) do b) did c) go d) went

Irregular Verbs Test - 3


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