1) I feel sick. I need to visit my doctor at the ......... . a) hospital b) playground c) fire station 2) They are waiting for the bus at the ......... . a) train station b) police station c) bus station 3) I want to buy a story book. Where can I buy it? a) bookstore b) airport c) restaurant 4) Pam is waiting for the train at the ....... . a) airport b) train station c) hospital 5) I work with animals and help them when they're sick. a) chef b) doctor c) vet 6) You take a plane and fly to different places. a) hospital b) bookstore c) airport 7) I work with scissors. I wash, brush and cut hair. a) hairdresser b) police officer c) pilot 8) I pick up people. I drive a bus. a) teacher b) football player c) bus driver 9) I wear a uniform. I keep everyone safe. I catch thieves. a) police officer b) pilot c) nurse 10) Children go there to learn things. Teachers work in this place. a) cinema b) school c) fire station 11) I wear a uniform. I travel a lot. People call me captain. I fly planes. a) doctor b) pilot c) police officer 12) It's a place where you can buy food or other things you need. a) supermarket b) hospital c) bus station 13) I work in a hospital. I am often a woman. I help a doctor. a) nurse b) teacher c) pilot 14) I wear a white uniform. I work with food. I work in the kitchen. a) fire fighter b) hairdresser c) chef 15) People go there to see old objects and learn about the past. a) bus station b) museum c) hospital 16) It's a place where you can watch a football match or play sports. a) bookstore b) stadium c) hotel

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