1) appear a) to perform in a film or play b) to become available for people to buy or see c) to tell the actors in a film or play what to do d) to express an idea or plan for someone to consider 2) musical a) acting, singing, dancing or playing music to entertain people b) sounds or moving pictures that have been record, or the process of recording c) a play or film in which singing and dancing tell part of the story d) the music used in a film 3) announce a) to ask for something in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused b) to demand that something must be done or that you must have a particular thing c) to express an idea or plan for someone to consider d) to tell people about something officially or with force or confidence 4) demand a) to express an idea or plan for someone to consider b) to ask for something in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused c) to demand that something must be done or that you must have a particular thing d) to make something clear or easy to understand by giving reasons for it or details about it 5) complain a) to say that something is wrong or that you are annoyed about something b) to say that you will certainly do something or that something will certainly happen c) to make someone remember something, or remember to do something d) to tell someone that something bad may happen in the future, so that they can prevent 6) wonder a) to tell someone that you are sorry about something you have done b) to make someone remember something, or remember to do something c) to want to know something or to try to understand the reason for something d) to say that you will certainly do something or that something will certainly happen 7) warn a) to say that you will certainly do something or that something will certainly happen b) to have a different opinion from someone else about something c) to tell someone that you are sorry about something you have done d) to tell someone that something bad may happen in the future, so that they can prevent 8) charming a) slightly angry b) very pleased c) pleasant or attractive d) unkind 9) nasty a) unkind b) behaving in a way that is not polite c) making you stressed d) showing skill and careful attention 10) curious a) behaving in a way that is not polite b) showing skill and careful attention c) slightly angry d) wanting to know or learn about something 11) despite a) in place of someone or something b) used to say that something happened or is true, although something else makes this seem not probable c) except if d) as a result of someone or something 12) arrange a) to take action in order to achieve something or to solve a problem b) to make something new such as a product c) to take something to a person or place d) to make the necessary plans and preparations for something to happen 13) handle a) to be in control of an office, shop or team b) to deal with something c) to take action in order to achieve something or to solve a problem d) to take something to a person or place 14) update a) to add new information b) to make something new such as a product c) to take something to a person or place d) to plan or arrange something 15) admire a) to decide to do something b) to respect or approve of someone or something c) to make someone more likely to do something, or make something more likely to happen d) to create an idea or picture of something in your mind 16) choose a) to create an idea or picture of something in your mind b) to intend to achieve something c) to succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard d) to decide to do something 17) imagine a) to make the greatest effort possible b) to make someone more likely to do something, or make something more likely to happen c) to create an idea or picture of something in your mind d) to imagine something that you would like to happen 18) go for a) to try to achieve something b) to be confident that something is effective or right c) o succeed in being chosen or elected for a position in a school or other organisation d) to continue to do something, or to do something again and again 19) join in a) to continue to do something, or to do something again and again b) o succeed in being chosen or elected for a position in a school or other organisation c) to imagine something that you would like to happen d) to become involved in an activity with other people 20) work out a) to not do or have something that you would enjoy, or something that other people do or have b) to be confident that something is effective or right c) to understand something or decide something after thinking very carefully d) to make someone more likely to do something, or make something more likely to happen

Cambridge B1 16-20 (vocabulary)



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