1) What is the main disadvantage of living in a big city in your opinion? 2) Why are more and more people relocating to the countryside? 3) In your opinion, how will the countryside change in the future? 4) What problems can people face when living in the countryside? 5) Did you enjoy spending time in the country when you were a kid, and why /why not? 6) Do you think the countryside is the best place for children to grow up, and why / why not? 7) What is the main advantage of living in the countryside? 8) In your opinion, will more people choose to live in cities in the future, and why / why not? 9) What needs to be done to make the countryside a more attractive place for young people? 10) What is your favourite place in your neighbourhood? 11) Have there been many changes in your hometown over the last years? 12) What would you like to improve in your neighbourhood? 13) Was your neighbourhood a good place to grow up, and why / why not?

Speaking EGE City life vs Country life


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