mustn't + Inf - Prohibition, may + Inf. - Doubt. ask for permission-polite. More probability than might, might/may +have+P - Doubt. possible but not certain. Past, couldn't + Inf - Impossible. General. Ask permission-polite, don't have to +Inf - Lack of obligation. Present, have to+Inf - Obligation (other people, particular rule, circumstances, had to + Inf - Past obligation. Past of must, didn't have to+ Inf - Lack of obligation. Past, should+ Inf - It's a good idea. Advice, shouldn't + Ìnf - It's a bad idea. Advice, should have +P - You didn't, but it was a good idea. Regret, shouldn't have +P - You did, but it was a bad idea., must have +P - Sure/almost sure. EVIDENCE, can't have +P - Impossible. Opossite of Must have (+), needn't have +P - You did, but it wasn't necessary, didn't need to +Inf - It wasn't necessary. Past, don't need to/needn't+ Inf - It isn't necessary. Present, must+Inf - Obligation (general law, subject )/ Certain (evidence), could+have+P - You could, but you didn't do. Depend on the subject decision, couldn't have+p - Impossible, even if you wanted. Past, was/were able to + Inf. - Particular or special situation/skill. Past, be (-) allowed to+ Inf - NOT permitted. , be (+) allowed t+ Inf - Permitted, Would have + P - Didn't happend. Depend on other people/circumstances, can+Inf - 100% Possible. Hability/ Permission-informal, be able to+ Inf - = can. Capable of. 100% Hability/Possibility, can't+ Inf - Impossible. Unbelief. Present, might + Inf.   - Doubt. Ask for Permission more formal. Less probability than may, may/might+Inf. - Doubt. maybe, perhaps, not sure. Ask for permission,




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