Do you know when Christmas Day is celebrated in Czechia, and when it is celebrated in the UK or the USA?, Do you know when Christmas Eve is celebrated in Czechia, and when it is celebrated in the UK or the US?, Grammar: What preposition do we use with Christmas, and what preposition do we use with Christmas Day?, Is Christmas originally a religious celebration? What do you know about it?, What do people generally do at Christmas?, Do you know some people who don't celebrate Christmas? Do you know why?, Do you know about some differences between Christmas in the UK and the USA?, Talk about Santa Claus for a minute. What do you know about him?, Is Santa Claus the same person as Father Christmas?, In what country do children traditionally leave milk and cookies for the night? Why?, In what country do children traditionally leave brandy and mince pie for the night? Why?, Bells, shiny balls or baubles, colorful lights, tinsels, stars, and angels. What do we use them for?, When do you put up the Christmas tree and when do you take it down?, What story is connected to the mistletoe?, What do people traditionally eat for Christmas dinner in Czechia and other countries?, Do you think some people dislike Christmas? Why? Are you one of them?, Can you sing Christmas carols?, What do you think are the typical Christmas gifts?, Do you know when Boxing Day is celebrated?, What is the main difference between Christmas in Europe or North America and Australia or New Zealand?, Explain: Advent Calendar, Explain: Gingerbread, What is your favorite type of Christmas candy?, Explain: Advent wreath, What do you usually do on the 23rd of December?, What do you usually do on the 24th of December?, What do you usually do on the 25th of December or Boxing Day?, What do you like the most about Christmas?, What do you hate the most about Christmas?, Do you prefer artificial or natural conifer trees?, Do you prefer wrapping or unwrapping the presents?, What is your favorite Christmas fairy tale?, When was the last time you built a snowman?, When do people go to midnight mass?, Fill in: Christmas celebrates the _______ of Jesus Christ., Fill in: Christians believe that Jesus was born in a small town Bethlehem in __________., The wise men from the East brought how many gifts to Baby Jesus?, Which is a common abbreviation for Christmas? Cmas / Ex-mas / Xmas?, What are some of the Christmas traditions that you keep with your family?, What do you wish for Christmas?, Grammar: In the English language, is it Christmas is or Christmas are?, When do people celebrate New Year's Eve? What do you usually do?, When do people celebrate New Year's Day? What do you usually do?, Do you plan to make a New Year's resolution?, What do you wish for the next year? What are your plans?, Explain: Santa's sleigh v. sledge or sled, Do you know what is egg nog or mulled wine?.

Conversation: Christmas


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