Go to the Nearest property not bought. If none available than go to the nearest property., Pay $200 for every house and $300 for every hotel you own., Advance to Mr.Beast, Advance to Survivor, Advance to Marvel, You got casted for Amazing Race. Hop on the nearest train, You got casted for Survivor! Claim $100, "Utility" Immunity (Only next Utility rent), Rent Immunity (only next rent), Get out of Jail free, Your video of you playing Monopoly Entertainment Edition got 1 Million views. Get $400, You posted a Youtube video with copyright music. Lose $50, You posted an offensive TikTok. Lose $100, You streamed on Twitch you watching the Office (you got banned). Lose $100, You see a funny twitter comment. Get $300, You streamed Monopoly Entertainment Edition and got 100 views. Get $50.

Chance Cards



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