food - bwyd, cheese - caws, card(s) - cerdyn (cardiau), meat(s) - cig(oedd), coffee(s) - coffi(s), cricket - criced, clothes - dillad, day(s) - dydd(iau), golf - golff, wine - gwin, hockey - hoci, milk - llaeth, newspaper - papur newydd, football - pêl-droed, radio - radio, chocolate(s) - siocled(i), sugar - siwgr, television - teledu, tennis - tennis, tutor(s) - tiwtor(iaid), toast - tost, fantastic - bendigedig, red - coch, white - gwyn, nice - neis, new - newydd, sure - siŵr, on - ar, what? - beth?, either - chwaith, not, nothing, zero - dim, also - hefyd, tonight - heno, to go for a walk - mynd am dro, when? - pryd?, of course - wrth gwrs, yuck - ych a fi, tomorrow - yfory,

Mynediad U02 Geirfa (Saesneg > Cymraeg)


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