get rusty, corporate ladder, burnout, staff turnover, train sy up, demanding, multitasking, supplier, working hours, proposal, have an eye for detail, overwhelm, remind of, put yourself in a better position, go beyond the scope of your job, take a step backwards, follow less conventional paths, grow into your role, get out of your comfort zone, move horizontally, monotonous, function, networking event, talk shop, tell off, shy, intimidated, unwind, do overtime, reliable/rely on, blame sy, cherry picking, forgiving, voice my concern, apologetic, keep it down, accept, seamstress, Can I have a word with you?, supportive, pursue vigorously, be viewed positively, perform consistently, push hard, tread carefully, analyze logically, worry excessively, communicate effectively, assess periodically, look at sg objectively, humiliate, endeavour, assume, draw a conclusion, tremendously, deep-rooted, odd, agreement, risk-taker, stocks and shares, gambling, predictable, get hired/fired, estate agent, risk assessor/actuary, foolhardy, reckless, bold, (im)prudent, sensitive, sensible, risk-averse, (over)cautious, rash, priority list, stick to the plan, adhere to, alibi, accuse sy of sg, ambiguous, get in touch, relevant, step out of your comfort zone, give in/hand in your notice, notice period, sleep on it, be a keeper, be in two minds about it, strike up a conversation with, superficial, get used to sg, self-confident, volunteer, raise money for charity, fancy meeting you here!, fancy a coffee, bad timing.

Melinda_vocab list1


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