Communist Manifesto - _____ was written by Karl Marx and published in 1848., Friedrich Engels - _____ was a German socialist who worked side by side with K. Marx., Socialism - _____ advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole., Religion - _____ was abolished in the Communist systems and allowed in the Socialist ones.., Ignorance - _____ is the lack of knowledge or information. It benefits absolutist systems to stay in power., Labor union - _____ is an organized association of workers., Strike - _____ is a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, Nicholas II - _____ was the one who abdicated his throne.., Proletariat - _____ is the name given to workers or working-class people, regarded collectively., Bloody Sunday - _____ was the massacre that marked the beginning of the violent phase of the Russian Revolution of 1905., Bolshevik - _____ is the name of a member of the majority faction of the Soviet Communist Party, March Revolution - In 1917 textile women protested in St. Petersburg during five days. It was known as the _____., Soviet - _____ was the name given to a revolutionary council of workers or peasants in Russia before 1917., Trotsky - _____ was the leader exiled from his country and killed under Stalin's regime., economic growth - During Stalin's regime Russia could see a remarkable ______, being the 2nd. most industrialized country., goverment - In socialism the _____ should plan and control the economy for the benefit of all., The Great Purge - _____ was the brutal and political campaign used by Stalin to eliminate any threat., DUMA - It was a sort of parliament that lasted 10 weeks only. , two-headed - A _____ eagle is part of the Russian shield., faith - Communism is incompatible with religious _____. ,


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