What do you like more reading books or watching films?, What is the best book you have read recently? What is it about? Why do you like it?, What book has influenced you the most? Explain how., What is your favourite genre of books? Why?, What do you think of autobiograthies and biographies? Have you read any? If not, whose would you like to read?, What do you like more e-books or paper books?, If a book has been made into a film, do you think it is better to read the book first or see the film first. Explain., What do you think about this proverb: you can`t tell the book by its cover. , How do you think is the cover of the book important? Why / why not?, If you could write a book, what genre would you like to choose? Why? , What are positive and negative sides of an e-book ?.

Speaking cards. Books.



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