1) Look at her diamond ring. 2) Harry has bought a new computer. 3) Max has got paint on his hand. 4) Although the English test was easy, Isabella failed it. 5) Oh no! Where's my car? 6) Emma arrived late for work again yesterday. 7) I think Craig stole some money from the safe. 8) Jennifer left the cinema crying. 9) Look! Tom's T-shirt is inside out. 10) Liam hasn't been answering his phone all day. 11) Katie looks very tired. 12) Your friend, Ella left class just before the teacher arrived. 13) Your friend, Hannah keeps smiling at her phone. 14) Your friend, Ethan is wearing a suit to class. 15) Your friend, Liam has broken his arm.  16) Your friend, Ben isn't in class today. 17) John is wearing a formal suit to work. There is no dresscode in their office. 18) Anna is sitting in the bus. There is a senior citizen standing next to her. 19) The baby is crying because her parents didn`t buy her a toy. 20) Jane forgot her apartment keys at work and can`t get inside. 21) The woman is angry because her husband forgot about their anniversary. 22) Bob was driving drunk and got into a car accident. 23) Melissa forgot to wash her hands after she had come back home. Now she`s got coronavirus. 24) My mum is cooking something new again, although our fridge has already been stuffed. 25) My parents didn`t let me go to the concert! Now I`m really upset. 26) My dad tried to help me with my homework but it wasn`t really necessary. I got the topic perfectly. 27) Sam had cheated on the test but still got a bad mark. 

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