physical health - refers to your body. If you have good physical health it means your body is healthy. , mental health - a healthy mind. You are able to cope with life's ups and downs. You do not suffer from mental illness., to break a taboo - something that is taboo is a topic you avoid talking about because they're worried it's embarassing or offensive. To break a taboo is when people decide to talk about it anyway, to be anxious/to have anxiety - to feel very worried or nervous things and it affects your day to day activities and routines., a panic attack - something that happens when you experience severe anxiety. It can cause shortness of breath, and the incapability to act or think sensibly., to feel tension - a nervous or worried feeling that makes it difficult for your body to relax., to wrap your head around - Idiom: when you try to understand something , to be down - slang expression when someone is feeling sad or depressed, to put on a different face - Idiom: when someone tries to hide how they are feeling inside.They smile but are actually very sad., to be open about something - You are willing to talk and discuss topics or problems openly.,

Mental Health Vocabulary



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