1) to understand a remark or action in a particular way, often misinterpret a) elucidation b) drawn c) construed d) phenomenon 2) to attract someone or make them want to do something a) elucidation b) phenomenon c) default d) drawn 3) to explain something that is difficult to understand by providing more information a) phenomenon b) elucidation c) drawn d) construed 4) something that happens or exists in science, nature or society, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to explain or it is rare a) drawn b) elucidation c) construed d) phenomenon 5) the real or imaginary line that marks the edge of a state, country etc. or the point at which one thing stops and another starts a) boundary b) phenomenon c) drawn d) construed 6) to fail to pay money that you owe at the right time a) elucidation b) drawn c) boundary d) default

Unit 11 Vocab part 2 Quiz Show


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