1) A: Good morning! A special guest ___ to our hotel today. B: Really! ___ who it is? a) coming b) is coming c) is come d) I know e) Do I know f) Am I know 2) A: I ___ you do. He ___ in the TV series, 'Rooftop', at the moment. a)  am think b) am thinking c) think d) staring e) is star f) is starring 3) B: It ___ Paul Roberts, isn't it? When ___ ? I can't wait to meet him! a) be b) is c) is he come d) is he coming e) he comes 4) A: At 3 this afternoon. But there ___ a few things things you ___ to know. a) are b) is c) need d) needing e) are need 5) A: He ___ flowers. He also ___ having his breakfast in the dining room, not in his room. a) love b) is loving c) loves d) like e) likes f) is liking 6) B: Why ____ at our hotel? a) he stay b) is he staying c) he staying 7) A: Because he ___ some peace and quiet and he ___ nosy reporters. a) wants b) want c) is wanting d) doesn't like e) don't like f) isn't liking 8) B: I ___. I ____ everything is going to be okay. a) am understand b) am understanding c) understand d) am hope e) hope f) am hoping

EF pre-int 1C Present Continuous (action and state verbs)


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