1) forcefull effect a) impacted b) issue c) aliens d) dredge e) interment f) issei 2) being forced to stay in a place a) issue b) isse c) nisel d) sansei e) interment f) dredge  3) bring up a) impact b) emigration c) aliens d) naturalization e) dredge  f) issue 4) non-citizens living in a country  a) impact b) issue c) aliens d) emigration e) interment f) sansei 5) resetting in another country a) interment b) aliens c) issue d) emigration e) dredge f) naturalization 6) admitted to citizenship a) impact b) naturalization 7) first generation, born in japan  a) nisel b) issei c) aliens d) impact e) sansei f) issue 8) second generation, born in US before WW11 a) aliens b) issue c) sansei d) nisel e) interment f) impact

farwell to manzanar vocab(fowardd chronology terms)



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