What’s the most delicious food that you tried?, Who’s the tallest person in your work team?, What time is the latest time that you went to bed?, When were you the happiest?, What is the most valuable thing that you own?, Where are the most beautiful beaches?, What’s the most refreshing drink to have on a hot day?, Who is the oldest person that you know?, Which animal is the fastest?, Which type of cheese is the tastiest?, Which kind of alcohol is the strongest?, What is the most painful in the world?, Who is the best actor?, What is the longest movie that you saw?, What is the spiciest food you ate?, What is the saltiest snack that tried?, Which country is the farthest from Ukraine?, Who is the most organized person that you know?, Who is the funniest member of your team?, What is the kindest thing someone did for you?, What was the easiest subject at school for you?, Who is the most interesting writer or artist that you know of?.

Superlative Adjective Conversation Questions


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