1) I _______ tea. a) drink b) drinks 2) She ________ two siblings. a) have b) has 3) Tom ________ work at 10 a.m. a) start b) starts 4) The museum ________ at 11 o'clock. a) open b) opens 5) Peter and Sahra often ________ to the cinema. a) go b) goes 6) John ________ very late. a) wake up b) wakes up 7) My parents _________ Japanese and English. a) speak b) speaks 8) My groupmates _________ tennis every weekend. a) play b) plays 9) Anna and Paul _________ in the city center. a) live b) lives 10) I _______ Sundays because I can spend time with my family. a) love b) loves

Present Simple (affirmative)


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