Medusa (gorgon- snakes on head instead of hair), Satyr (human upper body, horns & lower body of a goat), Centaur (head and torso of human, body of a horse), Basilisk (legendary reptile/serpent king, who can cause death with a single glance), Cerberus (3 headed dog/pet of Hades), Chimera (fire-breathing, three-headed monster w/a head of a lion, a snake, and a goat, lion claws in front, goat legs behind, and a long snake tail), Cyclops (one-eyed giants), Griffin (body of a human, head and wings of an eagle), Harpies (torso/head/arms of a woman & talons/tail/wings of a bird), Minotaur (head of a bull, body of a man), Phoenix (golden red bird that bursts into flames and is reborn), Scylla (many headed tentacle monster), Sirens (bird-like women who sang songs luring sailors to their deaths), Sphinx (head of human, body of lion), Unicorn, Pegasus, Dragon, Cetus (sea monster), Giant, Nymph.

Greek Mythological Creatures



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