Climate change, political conflict and the Covid epidemic have forced governments around the world to seriously consider their energy independence. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are ____ and relatively inexpensive but their ____ contributes to climate change. Dependency on such energy sources also fuels ____ in rogue states which can use these exports to hold other nations hostage. Renewable and ____ sources such as solar, wind and hydroelectric have clear advantages over traditional sources but they also have some disadvantages. Solar and wind power are clean, ____ and don't contribute to climate change but they are also ____; that is to say, they don't produce energy ____ and continually. This is why nations often look for additional sources. Hydroelectric power is much easier to control. Electricity can be ____ as needed when demand is at its ____. Unfortunately, this source of power is not as abundant as one might think. Extreme weather and ____ can ____ reservoirs and limit the effectiveness of this type of power generation. Nuclear is relatively cheap and predicable but there are environmental concerns, particularly in terms of managing the ____ waste.

Energy Independence


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