1) I was exhausted by the time we got home | sit down – you must be exhausted | I was too exhausted to argue with him | I’m absolutely exhausted. Noun: exhaustion | Adjective: exhausting a) You are very happy and satisfied with something. b) to be very tired c) , you feel rather sad, often for no particular reason d) you feel bad because you think you have done something wrong or unhelpful. 2) you must be pleased with your exam results | I feel pleased with myself for giving up smoking | I’ll be pleased to help (willing to help). Verb: to please | adjective: pleasing  a) to be very tired b) you feel bad because you think you have done something wrong or unhelpful. c) You are very happy and satisfied with something. d) you like it or enjoy it. If something happens pleasantly, it gives you pleasure 3) she was absolutely furious when she saw the mess | he was furious about the damage to his car. she was absolutely furious when she saw the mess | he was furious about the damage to his car - furiously | Noun: fury a) to be very angry about something  b) to be very tired c) if you are in a particular mood, that is the way you are feelin d) you are slightly unhappy because something is not as good as you wanted or expected or because something did not happen the way you wanted it to 4) I feel stressed-out! / I feel less stressed since I've been working just part time./ I'm really stressed out about work at the moment. a) worried and unhappy because you have too much work or too many problems to deal with: b) you do not like it because it has become boring or annoying c) if you cheer up, you start to feel happier. If you cheer someone up, you do something to make them feel happier d) you like it or enjoy it. If something happens pleasantly, it gives you pleasure 5) he was very upset when his dog died | he was quite upset when I spoke to him | I was very upset about it | we were all very upset by her death a) you do not like it because it has become boring or annoying b) you are late, slow, or not doing as well as you should with it c) to be very tired d) When someone or something has made you feel very sad or angry. 6) I feel really guilty about leaving you to finish the work | I feel a bit guilty because I haven’t rung him for ages | I feel guilty about not inviting her. Noun: Guilt a) , you feel rather sad, often for no particular reason b) you feel bad because you think you have done something wrong or unhelpful. c) to be very angry about something  d) you are late, slow, or not doing as well as you should with it 7) she looks like she’s in a good mood today | she’s been in a bad mood all day | listening to music always puts me in a good mood | I’m not in the mood to go out this evening | ignore him – he’s in a funny mood (behaving strangely) | he was in no mood to accept my apology a) if you are in a particular mood, that is the way you are feelin b) you do not like it because it has become boring or annoying c) you like it or enjoy it. If something happens pleasantly, it gives you pleasure d) When someone or something has made you feel very sad or angry. 8) she’s been a bit down recently | I felt slightly down last night so I didn’t go to the party a) if you cheer up, you start to feel happier. If you cheer someone up, you do something to make them feel happier b) to be very angry about something  c) you are late, slow, or not doing as well as you should with it d) , you feel rather sad, often for no particular reason 9) I was pleasantly surprised by the film (I liked it, although I didn’t expect to like it) | the sun was pleasantly warm on my skin | we spent the evening pleasantly together a) you like it or enjoy it. If something happens pleasantly, it gives you pleasure b) to be very angry about something  c) You are very happy and satisfied with something. d) you are slightly unhappy because something is not as good as you wanted or expected or because something did not happen the way you wanted it to 10) I’m fed up with all this rain | I’m fed up with my job | you look a bit fed up | I’m getting fed up with this awful weather a) to be very angry about something  b) you do not like it because it has become boring or annoying c) When someone or something has made you feel very sad or angry. d) , you feel rather sad, often for no particular reason 11) she sounded very disappointed when I spoke to her | she was disappointed with her exam results | I was really disappointed at not getting the job. Verb: disappoint | Adjective: disappointing | Noun: disappointment a) you are slightly unhappy because something is not as good as you wanted or expected or because something did not happen the way you wanted it to b) if you are in a particular mood, that is the way you are feelin c) you like it or enjoy it. If something happens pleasantly, it gives you pleasure d) you feel bad because you think you have done something wrong or unhelpful. 12) I need to do something to cheer myself up | I’m sure she’ll cheer up soon | cheer up – it’s not that bad a) When someone or something has made you feel very sad or angry. b) if you cheer up, you start to feel happier. If you cheer someone up, you do something to make them feel happier c) if you are in a particular mood, that is the way you are feelin d) you feel bad because you think you have done something wrong or unhelpful. 13) I’m really behind with work | he’s behind at school | by June, construction work had fallen behind a) you like it or enjoy it. If something happens pleasantly, it gives you pleasure b) you are late, slow, or not doing as well as you should with it c) to be very tired d) When someone or something has made you feel very sad or angry.

Outcomes Intermediate Unit 2 - Collocations (1.1)


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