1) waking up early / waking up late 2) studying in the morning / studying in the evening 3) watching a film at home / watching a film at the cinema 4) living alone / living with your family 5) travelling by boat / travelling by bus 6) shopping alone / shopping with someone else 7) buying things online / buying things in a shop 8) watching sport / playing sport 9) eating in / eating out 10) drinking tea / drinking coffee 11) running / cycling 12) junk food / vegetables 13) supermarket food / market food 14) living in a flat / living in a house 15) football / cricket 16) studying online / studying in a classroom 17) reading a book / watching TV 18) playing online games / playing with friends in the park 19) playing indoors / playing outdoors 20) driving / cycling 21) summer / winter 22) playing on the beach / playing playing with the snow 23) teacher / shop assistant 24) bus / train




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