1) What is the mechanism when an acid chloride reacts with an alcohol? a) Nucleophilic addition-elimination b) Nucleophilic substitution c) Electrophilic addition d) Electrophilic susbstituion e) A normal reaction lol 2) What is the definition for pH? a) log10[H+] b) -log10[H+] c) loge[H+] d) loge[H+] 3) What is the general formula for an acid chloride? a) RCOOH b) RCOCl c) ROH d) RCOOCOR 4) What is the mechanism for nitration? a) Nucleophilic substituion? b) Nucleophilic addition c) Electrophilic addition d) Electrophilic substituion 5) Who found the structure of benzene? a) Einstein b) Dr.Taylor c) Kevlar d) Bronsted/Lowry

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