Becker - ________ (1973) suggested that young people commit minor acts of deviance. They then are labelled., master status - Becker argues young people respond to labelling by acting in a more deviant manner, thus creating a _________., Cohen - _______ (1972), argued that young people are demonised by the press and media., folk devil - Cohen: Teenagers get labelled as a problem by the media ( ________ )., moral panic - Cohen: Teenagers get labelled as a problem by the media and the public overreacts and starts to condemn to create a _______., status frustration - People who cannot gain prestige from acting through traditional routes experience rejection., deviancy amplification - A process whereby the media may create further deviant behaviour by over-reporting or exaggerating their reporting., interactionist - A theoretical perspective which focuses on the relationship between individuals and society, seeing social behaviour as being derived from meanings., capitalism - Taylor, Walton and Young (1973) suggested that working class and black youth choose to commit crime because they are responding to the pressures of _________., Mac an Ghaill - _________ (1994) suggested that deviance in young males results from a crisis of masculinity., masculine - As job opportunities and society have become tolerant of the emancipation of women many working-class young men no longer know what it is to be ________., high status - Katz: Gang violence is attractive to some individuals because it involves masculine posturing and ________ as ‘badass’., Lyng - _______ (2005) suggested that youth crime or deviance is edgework and exciting because it is high risk behaviour., Sutherland - _______ (1949, 1950) suggested that women and girls did not involve themselves in criminal youth subcultures because they were confined to the home., conformist - Smart (1976) argued girls commit less crime and exhibit less deviance as they are more ________., adopting - Adler (1975) suggested women were more likely to join gangs in contemporary society because they were ________ male gender patterns., processes - Carrington (2013) suggested that rising rates of recorded violence and deviance among young women in Western societies may be the result of differing social ________., police - Carrington - why rising ates of crime amongst women? Increased targetting by _______, gangs - Carrington - why rising crime rates amongst women? Girls joining ______ more., negatively - Holdaway (1983) argued that youth cultures and minority ethnicity young people are targeted by the police and ________ labelled.,

youth culture and gangs



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