1) ...that dirty old vase?' asked my friend Rose. a) Do you like b) Are you liking c) Have you liked 2) 'Look, the birds ... in the sky.' a) are flying b) fly c) have flown 3) My dog ... my slippers when I come home. a) is bringing b) brings c) have brought 4) I love this film. I ... it four or five times. a) see b) have seen c) am seeing 5) I can't come to see you now, because I ... my homework a) am finishing b) finish c) have finished 6) This soup  ...     good. I really like it. a) is tasting b) tastes c) has tasted 7)  ... an interesting book now? a) Is you reading  b) Are you reading c) Do you read 8) I ... in the United States since 1990. a) live b) have lived c) am living 9) Lisa ... London for ten years. a) haven't been in b) haven't been to c) wasn't in 10) My sister ... to become a teacher. a) doesn't want b) don't want c) isn't wanting

Present Simple Continuous Perfect tenses


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