1) The train is going ... a tunnel. a) along b) with c) through 2) A man is getting ... his car. a) onto b) into c) through 3) Two people are climbing... the mountain. a) in b) through c) up 4) The child is going ... the slide a) over b) down c) up 5) A woman is getting ... a taxi. a) along b) in c) out of 6) He is putting the toys ... the toy box. a) into b) over c) on 7) She is jumping ... the hurdle. a) over b) through c) up 8) They are going ... the road. a) Across b) Into c) Onto 9) He is landing ... the tree. a) Over b) Onto c) On 10) The plane is flying ... the world. a) Over b) Through c) Round 11) We are coming .... the classroom. a) on b) down c) into 12) She is going... the stairs. a) up b) down c) across 13) He is going ... the stairs. a) up b) down c) across 14) she is spinning .... a) into b) across c) around 15) the road is going ....the forest. a) round b) across c) through

Prepositions of Movement


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