I promise ! I ____ ____ my room! Look at the black clouds! It ____ ____ ____. I ____ ____ meet Gaye and Ayçin at the Boston . I ____ ____ be a writer in the future. Please calm down Mustafa! I ____ tell you the teacher! Hediye bought the ticket. We ____ go to the cinema. Tuğba has already planned everything. They ____ ____ have a housewarming party next week The stair is broken. Be careful! You ____ fall down! I think Gökçen ____ drive her car perfectly. You ____ probably find your wallet at home. The fortune teller says we ____ be rich soon. The robots ____ be our teachers in 2050. She ____ ____ study Oxford next year. They ____ ____ sell their house in 2030. Hatice: There is no milk at home:( Erdem: My dear! I ____ immediately go and buy some! Hediye: I am afraid of the dogs. Hatice: I ____ come and drive you school. The Starbucks ____ ____ open at 8.30 in the Luna Shopping Mall tomorrow. I ____ to go there with Gökçen.


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