Correct: Are there any good restaurants near here?, I need some help., There isn't much food in the fridge., How many students are there in your class?, I haven't got many board games., There are some good books in our local library., How much homework have you got?, Can I have a little honey in my tea?, All the desserts were delicious., All cats like to sleep., There are a few oranges in the kitchen., I've got a lot of old cuddly toys in my room., How much time do you spend watching series?, Are there a lot of museums in your city?, How many chips can you fit in your mouth?, There isn't much information on the website., I'd like some pineapple on my pizza., Have you got any money?, Incorrect: There are any good restaurants., I need a help., There isn't many food in the fridge., How much students are there in your class?, How many homework have you got?, I would like a little chips with my burger., I need a few more time., How many time do you spend reading books?, There are a lot beautiful parks in my city., I need an advice.,

Some, any, much, many, all, a little, a few, a lot of


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