Chemical bond - the force of attraction that holds atoms together as a result of the arrangement of electrons between them, Ion - an atom or group of atoms that has an electrical charge, Chemical formula (H2O) - A group of symbols that shows the ratio of elements in a compound, Subscripts - numbers that tell the ratio of elements in a compound (the small numbers), Molecular compound - a compound that is made up of molecules (example: water), Physical change - any change that alters the form or appearance of a substance but does not change it into another substance, Chemical change - A change in matter that produces one or more new substances, Reactants - Substances that undergo the chemical changes, Products - the new substances that are formed from the chemical reaction, Chemical equation - a way to show a chemical reaction using symbols instead of words, Law of Conservation of Mass - states that during a chemical reaction, matter is not created or destroyed, Coefficient - a number placed in front of a chemical formula in an equation,

Chemical Reaction Vocabulary



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