There are limited to no scaffolds provided by the teacher in whole group instruction. This is causing a decrease in motivation and engagement from ML students. , Strong classroom management is not in place and it is getting in the way of transitions needed for station or parallel teaching., Most students in your ML group in one class are reading below grade level and cannot access the mentor texts. , There are 6 MLs in a one class. Two are high 3s, 3 are high 2s (one is on an IEP), and one is 1.9, , You have identified specific language needs for your group of students. The teacher feels pressure for students to complete the assignments from district curriculum. , A student is reading below grade level but is reluctant to work in a small group or one on one with the teacher. , The ESL teacher does not have access to plans and knows what the lesson is when they arrive to the class. .

Co-Teaching Obstacles



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