1) This help a fish swim in the water. a) shell b) quills c) fins d) fur 2) This is like a home for animals and it protects them from predators. a) tail b) shell c) fins d) fur 3) These help an animal fly. a) quills b) wings c) antennae d) horns 4) This can help to keep flies off an animals back. a) horns b) trunk c) beak d) tail 5) These help a goat defend itself from predators. a) shell b) horns c) tongue d) fins 6) These help butterflies feel the world around them. a) webbed feet b) antennae c) tail d) wings 7) This helps keep an animal warm. a) fur b) webbed feet c) horns d) tongue 8) These protect a porcupine from predators. a) tongue b) webbed feet c) horns d) quills 9) This helps a bird eat food. a) wings b) trunk c) fur d) beak 10) This helps a frog catch flies. a) horns b) quills c) beak d) tongue 11) This helps an elephant keep himself cool and clean. a) horns b) tongue c) trunk d) wings 12) These help a duck swim in water. a) webbed feet b) beak c) antennae d) quills

Parts of an Animal Review


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