Coal - a solid fuel that is formed from the remains of plants over very long periods of time, Fossil Fuel - a natural, nonrenewable fuel such as coal, oil, or natural gas formed a very long time ago from the remains of living organisms, Natural Gas - flammable material, without a definite form, produced from remains of marine organisms buried under layers of sediment found near oil deposits, Oil - a nonrenewable natural resource produced from the remains of organisms buried under layers of sediments for millions of years, Organic Matter - the waste and remains of plants and animals, Pressure - force on objects pushing on other objects, Sedimentary Rock - rock formed when particles of other rocks are deposited in layers and are compacted (crushed together) and cemented (binding of sediments), Compaction - process by which overlying pressure from rocks and soil reduces the size or volume of sediments, Cementation - process of binding and hardening of sediments into hard rock, Decomposition - the process by which dead plants and animals decay or rot, Organism - a living thing that grows, reproduces, responds to its environment, and can function on its own,

Fossil Fuels



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