1) They had to ___________ when the rumours they were spreading proved false. a) take it with a pinch of salt b) eat humble pie c) spill the beans d) sweeten the pill 2) He tried to ________ by telling her she'd only be in hospital a few days. a) spill the beans b) take it with a pinch of salt c) eat humble pie d) sweeten the pill 3) The fact that my car broke down was just __________. a) the icing on the cake b) sweetening the pill c) the hot cakes d) egg on my face 4) I want James to help me on the project but he says he's got_________. a) to sweeten the pill b) put all his eggs in one basket c) take it with a pinch of salt d) bigger fish to fry 5) His financial advisor urged him not to ________ by investing everything in stocks. a) put all his eggs in one basket b) put the icing on the cake c) spill the beans d) sweeten the pill 6) We'll all be there at 6pm for the surprise party so don't _________. a) get egg on your face b) spill the beans c) eat humble pie d) sweeten the pill 7) Terry had ___________ after boasting that the exams had been easy, but ended up failing most of them a) ate humble pie b) egg on his face c) spilled the beans d) icing on the cake 8) She's got ___________, specially with two new projects starting next week. a) to eat humble pie b) spill the beans c) bigger fish to fry d) a lot on her plate 9) You have to take everything she says __________ because she tends to exaggerate. a) with humble pie b) the icing on the cake c) with a pinch of salt d) egg on your face 10) The new games console is ___________ despite its astronomical price! a) the icing on the cake b) selling like hotcakes c) sweetening the pill d) spilling the beans

CPE idioms unit 4


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