1) the amount of time or space given to an event by the media 2) showing an event 3) express one's views to made one's agreement 4) to offer a new perspective 5) an unstoppable flow of bad news 6) a serious event causing distress or misfortune 7) to be careful about the news someone receive 8) to emotionally react to a pies of news 9) represents the actions taken by government to influence a mass medium 10) the amount of money paid by TV 11) tending to include different opinions 12) to deal with a difficult situation successfully 13) to be in a risky situation or position 14) to want riches and popularity 15) to analyze information superficially 16) build limits of an activity or experience 17) a sudden,compelling news event covered immediately by reporters. 18) warning or hint,esp given contidentially and based on inside information. 19) that can be proved to be true or accurate. 20) not professional. 21) a serious event causing distress or misfortune. 22) an extreme shortage of food. 23) to make sure that this person knows all the most recent facts about a subject. 24) to process and analyze news you get from different sources. 25) to be able to access,interpret,and evaluate media products. 26) paid for with public money. 27) a set of TV or radio broadcasts on the same subject or using the same characters bur in different situations. 28) TV show on a certain theme that stars real people,not actors. 29) the first and flagship channel of BBC Television in the United Kingdom 30) dishonest behavior 31) fake, fraudulent 32) make (someone) adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure. 33) People Are Checking the News More Frequently and for Shorter Amounts of Time. 34) a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse 35) displaying no emotional or personal involvement 36) favoring one side unduly; prejudiced 37) the text between headline and signature line 38) to try to avoid the law without breaking it 39) to make a legal claim against someone, especially for money, because they have harmed you in some way 40) to increase people's access to information


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