1. What has to be broken before you can use it? - an egg, 2. I'm tall when I'm new, but get shorter till the end of my life. What am I? - a candle, 3. What is full of holes but still holds the water? - a sponge, 4. To what question you can't answer yes? - Are you asleep?, 5. What goes up but never goes down? - your age, 6. What gets wet while drying? - a towel, 7. I shave everyday but my beard remains the same. Who am I? - a barber, 8. What can't talk but always responds being talked to? - an echo, 9. David's parents have three sons: John, Edwin, and the third one. What's his name? - David, 10. What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right one? - a right elbow,


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