1) Name the genre of this film a) Comedy b) Horror film c) Thriller d) Musical 2) Name the genre of this film a) Fantasy b) Soap opera c) Musical d) Action film 3) Name the genre of this film a) Comedy b) Historical drama c) Thriller d) Science fiction 4) Name the genre of this film a) Fantasy b) Action film c) Science fiction d) Thriller 5) Name the genre of this film a) Western b) Comedy c) Romantic comedy d) Fantasy 6) Name the genre of this film a) Horror film b) Thriller c) Western d) Action film 7) Name the genre of this film a) Action film b) War drama c) Documentary d) Western 8) Name the genre of this film a) Fantasy b) Comedy c) Thriller d) Action film 9) Name the genre of this film a) Fantasy b) Romantic drama c) Horror film d) Historical drama 10) Name the genre of this film a) Musical b) Science fiction c) Thriller d) Fantasy 11) Name the genre of this film a) Science fiction b) Costume drama c) Animated film / cartoon d) Musical 12) Name the genre of this film a) Action film b) Crime story c) Musical d) Horror 13) Name the genre of this film a) Action film b) Romance film c) Thriller d) Fantasy 14) Name the film type a) Documentary b) Film adaptation 15) Who are these people? a) Extras b) Film crew 16) What do you call this? a) Location b) Special effects 17) Who is this person? a) Director b) Star 18) What do you call this? a) Script b) Plot 19) Where is this scene shot? a) In a studio b) On location 20) Who are these people? a) Cast b) Audience



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