prepositions - from, for, in, on, to, as, at, before, by, of, off, across, against, ago, beyond, into, like, over,, linking words - if, though, although, as, but, so, and, despite, or, since, while, whilst, because, due, during,until, up, without, determiners - all, any, little, no, an, a, enough, every, his, its, our, their, another, few, much, such, thedeterminersinstead, nevertheless, nor, thus, unless, unlike, whether, owing, auxiliary verbs - had, would, be, did, has, have, is, must, will, been, being, can, could, does, may, might, reference words - this, it, one, them, themselves, there, these, others, us, everything, anything, relative pronouns - that, which, when, where, whose, who, question words - which, when, how, what, time expressions other than prepositions - yet, last, past, previous, just,

FCE Reading and Use of English Part 2



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