The domestic (at home) roles of married or cohabiting partners - conjugal roles, Relationships between married partners or parents and children which are based on equality - democratic relationships, The way tasks at home are divided between the men and women in the home e.g. housework, childcare, DIY etc - division of domestic labour, Families in which both adult partners work in paid employment. - dual worker families, A sociological approach to how gender operates (works) in social structures e.g. families or education. - feminism, Socially or culturally constructed ideas about the differences between men and women - gender roles, Moving house from one area to live in another area. - geographical mobility, When people are related either by blood, marriage or adoption - kinship relationships, When the man of the house works in paid employment and earns most of the household income - male breadwinner household, The dominance or control of one group over another. - power, When the roles of household members are not equal - segregated conjugal roles, Relationships between married partners or parents and children which are based on equality - joint conjugal roles,

sociology family roles key word


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