Did you enjoy your summer holidays? Why?, What sports did you do in the summer?, What books or magazines did you read in the summer?, What problems did you face during the vacations?, Did you go anywhere? (Where to?), What was the best film you saw in the summer?, Have you learnt anything new?, How much time did you spend with your parents during the summer?, What was the best (the worst) thing on holidays?, Did you find any new friends?, Did you have a chance to travel abroad during this summer? Why?, What websites did you read in the summer?, Where were you on 15th July?, Where were you on 15th August?, What was the best thing you bought in the summer?, What clothes did you wear most often in the summer?, Was last summer typical for you?, Did anything special happen in the world in the summer?, What was the best food you had in the summer?, Who did you spend most of the summer with?, What was the best place you visited in the summer?.


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