1) I_________________ have short hair when I was a teenager a) would b) used to c) both of them 2) We________________go to the same little café for lunch every day when I was a student a) would b) used to c) both of them 3) She _____________ love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder a) used to b) would c) both of them 4) He_____________walk along the beach every evening before bed a) used to b) would c) both of them 5) I________________ always lose when I played chess with my father a) used to b) would c) both of them 6) She_______________ be able to dance very well a) used to b) would c) both of them 7) My grandfather _____________drink a cup of coffee after dinner every night a) used to b) would c) both of them 8) Luke _____________have a car a) didn't use to b) wouldn't c) both of them 9) My family_______________ go to the countryside for the weekend when I was young a) used to b) would c) both of them 10) We____________ live in Brazil a) used to b) would c) both of them 11) My parents________live in a small village before they were married. a) used to b) would c) both of them 12) We___________play in the street when I was 6. a) used to b) would c) both of them 13) My grandfather____________a beard when he was in the army. a) used to b) would c) both of them 14) I___________ play tennis, but I don't now. a) used to b) would c) both of them 15) In the 1940s people___________live in tents. a) used to b) would c) both of them 16) The women__________wear green dress for the wedding. a) used to b) would c) both of them 17) I____________have very long hair when I was younger. a) used to b) would c) both of them 18) _______________visit your grandparents often when you were a child a) used to b) would c) did you use to 19) She__________ wear skirts or dresses. a) used to b) would c) both of them 20) We___________be best friends then. a) used to b) would c) both of them 21) We _____________go to the same little café for lunch every day when I was a student. a) used to b) would c) both of them 22) She______________love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder. a) used to b) would c) both of them 23) He__________________walk along the beach every evening before bed. a) used to b) would c) both of them

7.2 would-used to



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