1) What is the fastest growing plant in the world? a) bamboo b) grass c) algae 2) Which is the longest mountain range in the world? a) The Alps b) The Andes c) The Himalayas 3) Which is the deepest ocean in the world? a) the Arctic b) the Pacific c) the Atlantic 4) Which is the largest desert in the world? a) the Sahara b) the Kalahari c) the Gobi 5) What is the coldest place in the world? a) Yakutsk, Russia b) Antarktica c) North Ice, Greenland 6) What is the biggest animal in the world? a) a blue whale b) an elephant c) a buffalo 7) What is the most dangerous animal in the world? a) a mosquitoe b) a viper c) a black widow 8) What is the smallest country in the world? a) Vatican city b) Monaco c) San Marino 9) What is the fastest animal in the world? a) an ostrich b) a swallow c) a cheetah 10) What are the most intelligent animals in the world? a) dolphins b) crows c) chimpanzees


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