1) I had always wanted to be an account manager, ... I was thrilled when I got the job, but little did I know what was waiting for me. a) because b) However c) so 2) For some reason, the boss just refused to take any responsibility for dealing with the clients, and I was ... forced to deal with all the problems myself, which wasn't easy. a) because of b) consequently c) despite 3) I used to stay late in the office almost every night ... miss any of the clients' deadlines. a) so as to b) so as not to c) so that 4) I was so stressed that I used to check my emails every couple of hours, ... there was an urgent message asking me to sort something out. a) in case b) consequently c) though 5) It was worth it in the end ... , because eventually my boss was sacked and I was promoted in his place. a) but b) in case c) though 6) The toughest time I've ever had was definitely my first term here at university. ... I really love student life now, it wasn't so easy at the beginning. a) although b) though c) despite 7) On my first day some guys suggested going to play basketball in the park nearby. I don't know exactly how it happened, ... somehow, during the game, I tripped and fell very hard on my right arm and broke it. a) but b) however c) so 8) My injury meant I wasn't able to write properly. ... , I got really behind with my essays. a) despite b) as a result c) so that 9) I had to take extra classes later in the year ... I could catch up. a) as b) so as to c) so that 10) ... , things got better eventually. a) however b) in case c) despite 11) ... all the free time, retirement isn't just a question of enjoying yourself. a) despite b) in case c) though 12) ... my husband had always been committed to his career, it wasn't easy just to give it up overnight. a) despite b) as c) although 13) We moved to the countryside ... be nearer to our daughter and her family, but when we arrived, we found that they didn't have much time for us. a) so as not to b) so c) so as to 14) Of course, we did babysit for her sometimes ... she could go out in the evenings, but somehow it wasn't the life we had imagined. a) so that b) though c) as 15) One day, ... , a friend of ours invited us along to a ballroom dancing class in the village. a) but b) however c) consequently 16) Now we go three times a week. Our lives have changed ... the dance club. a) as a result b) in case c) because of

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