1) In Muslim countries a person should use--------- to give and accept presents. a) only the right hand b) only the left hand c) both hands 2) In Japan it is------- to open the presents immediately. a) polite b) impolite c) a rule 3) In Egypt flowers are used for----- a) weddings and sick people b) birthdays c) funerals 4) When people in Greece nod the head, they mean------ a) “Yes” b) ”No “ c) “I am not sure” 5) ”Thumbs up “ in Germany can mean-------- a) “Go away” b) “ I don’t agree” c) “The number one” 6) In Mozambique people clap hands------- before greeting. a) one time b) two times c) three times 7) In Brazil it is not unusual if the host offers you…… a) a quick shower b) food for your home c) slippers to wear in their house 8) In Norway the bride usually wears---- to keep the evil spirits away. a) a golden crown b) a silver crown c) lilies 9) In Thailand it is rude to---- a) cross your arms in public b) cross your legs in public c) cross the street on the zebra crossing 10) In China you shouldn’t give the people---- as a present. a) shoes b) jewelry c) a watch



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