1) Give an example of a costly thing that you have bought. 2) Would you like to earn lots of money and live in a huge and expensive house or a modest salary and a modest apartment would be enough for you? 3) What would you prefer - to be too modest or too ostentatious? Why? 4) What sources of information do you consider trustworthy?  5) What kind of clothes do you prefer - functional and modest or ineffective and ostentatious?  6) Are you a cautious (wary) person or are you a risk taker? Can you give any examples to prove your answer? 7) What place in this city deserved your favourable opinion? Why? 8) Have you ever been suspicious (mistrustful) of anything? What was it? 9) Why might people become arrogant? 10) Give a couple of examples of complex processes.

First Impressions. Business Result Upper- Intermediate



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