1) What's the English for 'siringa per iniezioni'? a) Syringe b) Needle  c)   2) What's the English for 'tampone'? a) Swab b) Tape c) Glass slide 3) What's the English for 'benda'? a) Bandage b) Glass Slide c) Needle Holder 4) What's the English for 'maschera per l'ossigeno'? a) 02 cannula b) O2 Face Mask 5) It's a tongue depresson. What does it mean in Italian? a) Pinza linguale b) Depressore linguale 6) What's the English for 'portaaghi'? a) Scissors b) Needle Holder 7) Vetrini. What's the English? a) Dressings b) Glass slides 8) 'Provetta' in English? a) Tube b) Cap of the tube 9) 'Tappo della provetta': a) Tube b) cap of the tube 10) What's the English for 'ago monouso'? a) needle disposal b) disposable needle 11) What's the English for 'laccio emostatico'? a) Tourniquet b) a piece of clothing 12) What's the English for 'stetoscopio'? a) stethoscope b) cannula 13) It's a dressing. What does it mean ? a) cerotto b) medicazione 14) 'Copricapo monouso' in English? a) cap b) disposable cap 15) 'Termometro'.... In English? a) intravenous flacon b) Thermometer 16) What's this? a) Sphygmomanometer b) Blood pressure measure

Testing_Equipment and Instruments_Nursing_Lesson n.2


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