Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e riut. - You have bought your friend a present. As you hand it to him you say:, A bheil thu ag iarraidh fear? - You are making yourself a sandwich. You ask your sister if she wants one:, Tha mi air mo lathadh! - It's freezing out and you forgot your jacket. You say:, Tha mi airson sreap-chreagan fheuchainn. - Your friend is keen to try a new outdoor activity with you. You say:, Dùin do chab! - You are arguing with your little brother. He's very rude and shouts:, Tha mi airson feadhainn nas lugha fheuchainn. - You are trying on shoes in a shop. They are too big. You want to try some smaller ones:, A bheil thu cinnteach? - Your friend swears she saw a UFO last night. You think she might be mistaken. You ask:, Bhiodh seo a' tighinn riut. - You offer to lend your friend a dress. You choose the one you think would best suit him. You say:, Tha i a' tighinn riut. - Your friend is wearing a new dress. You want to tell him it suits him. You say:, Tha an t-acras gam tholladh! - You missed breakfast and your tummy has been rumbling all morning. You are starving and say:,

C4M3a1 Phrases 1



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