My family and I went to the park last weekend., Sarah and her friends played volleyball at the club last Sunday., John and his classmates did their homework at school yesterday in the afternoon., My cousin drove a car for the first time last Saturday., I cooked pasta for my family last Sunday., I used to ride a bike every day when I was a kid., They didn't go to the beach because it was raining a lot., They have known each other since they were five years old., Mary and her husband have lived at the same apartment since they got married., Mike and Peter have been teachers at the same school for 10 years now., She has taken extra classes and improved her English recently., My friends and I are going to hang out at the shopping mall this afternoon., My family is going to have a barbecue at my grandma's house next Saturday., We are going to go to the park and take a walk tomorrow morning., My dad is picking me up at school after class today., My mother and I are seeing the dentist next Friday afternoon., We are having dinner at a really nice restaurant tonight., The school meeting starts at 10:00 am this Wednesday., The first buses to Rio de Janeiro leave at 5:00 am every morning., The stores at the shopping mall close at 7:00 pm today.,

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