I'm going to tell you...your engagement to Sheila means a tremendous lot to me. - Mr Birling's interest in the marriage is linked to his desire to make more money., ...Crofts and Birlings are no longer competing but are working together - for lower costs & higher prices. - An example of Mr Birling's avarice, he wants to exploit both his workers and customers., And to that I say - fiddlesticks! The Germans don't want war. - Priestly discredits Mr B. by making him say historically inaccurate comments., There'll be peace and prosperity and rapid progress everywhere. - This reveals how wrong Mr Birling was, and so we do not trust his politics either., A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own - - The rich believe that it is correct only to care for their own interests, and ignore the conditions of the poor. , A young woman died...she'd swallowed a lot of strong disinfectant. Burnt her inside out... - Eva Smith's death represents the suffering of working class women in 1912., They wanted the rates raised so that they could average about twenty five shillings a week. I refused, of course. - Mr Birling represents industrialists who exploited women as cheap labour.,

Useful quotes from Act 1 of An Inspector Calls


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