1) The children ... in the park yesterday. a) didn't played b) didn't play 2) My mother ... pasta yesterday.  a) didn't preparied b) didn't prepare 3) She ... to music last Monday. She listened to music last Tuesday. a) didn't listen b) didn't listened 4) I ... my grandmother yesterday. I called my aunt. a) didn't phone b) didn't phoned 5) Jim ... football 2 days ago. a) didn't played b) didn't play 6) Ann ... bananas. a) didn't like b) didn't liked 7) I ..... to buy some ice cream. a) didn't wants b) didn't want 8) She ..... French at school. a) didn't study b) didn't studied 9) Paula ...... school in 1992. a) didn't finished b) didn't finish 10) She ... yesterday.  a) didn't dance b) didn't dancied 11) He ... the wall a) didn't painted b) didn't paint

Past Simple regular verbs in the negative form



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