Tubers - Underground stem that stores nutrients., Red vegetables - Improve skin quality, help fight cancer, reduce chances of diabetes and heart disease., Stems - Celery and asparagus, tender and edible, Green Vegetables - Boost immune system, Help detoxify the body, Bulbs - Fleshy leaves surrounding the underground part of the stem., Best way to consume vegetables is ____ - Raw, Saute - Add little oil to pan, retains nutrients, Leaves - Tender, can eat raw, needs minimal cooking, Seeds - Plant part that grows new plants. High in nutrients, requires minimal cooking., Girls should eat _____ cups of vegetables per day - 2.5, Fruits - Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, squash, Onions - Store in a cool, dry area, Microwave - little/no water needs to be added, less nutrients lost, Flowers - Classification of a vegetable. Can be cooked or eaten raw., Simmer - Cool at lower temp than boiling, veggies are covered with water, Orange/Yellow Vegetables - Promote eye health, protects nervous system, Potatoes - store in cool, dark place, Blue/Purple Vegetables - Help fight cancer, fight unwanted inflammation, Roasting - dry heat method, enhances flavor through carmelization, Roots - Stores plant’s food supply. Examples include carrots, Boys should eat ____ cups of vegetables per day - 3, White/Brown Vegetables - Keeps bones strong, heart-healthy, Steam - Cooks over boiling water, little nutrients lost, Grill - Dry heat is applied close, cooks quickly,


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